Large Italian Renaissance-style "Organo di Legno"

The objective of this research work was primarily the historically–informed reconstruction of an ‘organo di legno’, modelled on the sole extant wooden organ situated in the Silberne Kapelle of the Hofkirche in Innsbruck, Austria.

Contextually, the reconstruction itself leads to the recovery of the whole historical construction process, based on historical tools and materials, simple geometry and practical rules, which can be applied to reconstruct further organs in this style.


- Principale 8’
- Ottava 4’
- Quintadecima 2’
- Decimanona 1 1/3’
- Vigesimaseconda 1’
- Flauto in duodecima 2 2/3’
- Fiffara 8’ (from c#’)
- Regale 8’

All flue pipes are open and made of cypress wood.

Pitch: 465Hz at 23°C
Temperament: Meantone, 1/4 comma
Wind–pressure: approx 45 mm on the water column
Keyboard: 45 keys, short first octave.
Split keys for D#/Eb - G#/Ab ; D/F# (first octave).

An ancient pedalboard (CDEFG–a, 18 keys) was adapted to the present organ.

Decoration: Michele Barchi

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Further information:

Walter Chinaglia, “Towards the Rebuilding of an Italian Renaissance-Style Wooden Organ”
München, Deutsches Museum, 2020 (Deutsches Museum Studies 5)
  Read publication

Walter Chinaglia, “Recreating a large Italian Renaissance–style ‘organo di legno’ modelled on the sole extant original organ at the Silberne Kapelle of Innsbruck"
The Organ Yearbook, vol. 50 (2021)
  Laaber Verlag
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